Stainless Steel and Plastic Tubing Training Workshop

The EMS Energy Institute held a stainless steel and plastic tubing training workshop on April 5, 2024, at the Institute with a focus on Swagelok materials. Brad Maben, who supports graduate student and faculty research and who routinely assists them in assembling research components, taught the three-hour workshop.

The workshop trained the students in the basics of:

•    Working with stainless steel and plastic tubing and fittings
•    Cutting and deburring tubing of various materials
•    Installing a Swagelok and plastic tube fitting
•    Disassembling and reassembling a Swagelok tube fitting
•    Identifying basic thread types
•    Identifying correct tubing types and supports

The agenda included:

•    Introduction to workshop content
•    Tour of three labs showcasing what can be done using Swagelok materials
•    Watch select Swagelok videos showing common tubing/fittings capabilities and applications
•    Hands-on training on cutting and bending tubing and installing fittings

The Institute plans to continue this workshop annually each fall.