Welcome to the Spring 2020 edition of the EMS Energy Institute (EI) Newsletter. This edition showcases faculty research in several topical areas, introduces new employees, and highlights the new EI seed grants and the honors received by our students, faculty, and staff.

Zuleima Karpyn appointed associate dean in College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Zuleima Karpyn, professor of petroleum...

Song receives George A. Olah Award from the American Chemical Society
Chunshan Song, Distinguished Professor of Fuel Science in...

Penn State launches Center for Critical Minerals
The newly launched Center for Critical Minerals will leverage Penn State’s existing faculty, facilities, and...

Researchers look at novel methods to enhance battery performance
Researchers at Penn State are looking at innovative ways to improve energy...

Mathematical geosciences conference focuses on food, energy, water nexus
More than 175 researchers, students, and industry...

EMS Energy Institute funded four new seed grants in 2019
In Spring 2019, the EMS Energy Institute announced a new call for seed grant proposals to encourage...

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions using microwave plasma technology
A multi-disciplinary collaborative relationship, developed between...

Welcome New Faculty and Staff
The EMS Energy Institute welcomes the following new members who have joined the Institute since our last publication...