Energy Innovation - Summer 2023
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Energy Innovation - Summer 2023

Welcome to the Summer 2023 edition of the EMS Energy Institute (EI) newsletter. This edition showcases faculty research in several topical areas, introduces new faculty, and highlights the honors received by our students, faculty, and staff.





Sanjay Srinivasan named Earth and Mineral Sciences Energy Institute director

Sanjay Srinivasan named Earth and Mineral Sciences Energy Institute director

Sanjay Srinivasan, professor of petroleum and natural gas engineering...

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Size Matters: Particle size is key factor in coal mining-related respiratory disease

Size Matters: Particle size is key factor in coal mining-related respiratory disease

One of the major occupational health hazards for coal workers in the...

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New wireless, rechargeable battery research aims to reduce surgical risks

New wireless, rechargeable battery research aims to reduce surgical risks

Researchers at Penn State are designing a new wireless rechargeable battery...

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Thermally regenerative battery produces ample energy using low-grade waste heat

Thermally regenerative battery produces ample energy using low-grade waste heat

Thermally regenerative ammonia batteries can produce electricity on demand from low-grade...

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Welcome New Faculty & Staff

Welcome New Faculty & Staff

The EMS Energy Institute welcomes the following new members who have joined the...

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Bruce G. Miller

Letter from the Interim Director

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Recent and upcoming events

Recent and Upcoming Events

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End of Year Awards

End of Year Awards

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Summary of projects & funding

Summary of Projects & Funding

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Issue Number: 
Issue Label: 
Summer 2023

Article Index