Hilal Ezgi Toraman, assistant professor of energy engineering and chemical engineering at Penn State, in research lab.
Credit: Courtney Robinson / Penn State
Hilal Ezgi Toraman, assistant professor of energy engineering and chemical engineering, was selected as a “Pioneer of Catalysis and Reaction Engineering (CRE)” by the CRE division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Hamid Emami-Meybodi, chair and associate professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Zuleima Karpyn, associate dean for graduate education and research at the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences and Donohue Family Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering and Luis Ayala, William A. Fustos Family Professor in Energy and Mineral Engineering.
Credit: Courtney Robinson / Penn State
The Society of Petroleum of Engineers (SPE) has recognized three faculty members of the John and Willie Leone Family of Energy and Mineral Engineering (EME) for their exceptional service and leadership, as well as their significant professional contributions within their technical disciplines at the regional level.
Younes Shekarian, doctoral degree candidate in the John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering.
Credit: David Kubarek / Penn State
Younes Shekarian, a doctoral degree candidate in the John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering received the SME Ph.D. Fellowship grant from the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME). The award helps support exceptional doctoral students who are seeking a career in academia.
Ezgi Toraman, assistant professor of energy and mineral engineering and chemical engineering at Penn State, is one of 12 early-career scientists named to Chemical & Engineering News’ (C&EN) 2023 “Talented 12” list.
Credit: C&EN
Ezgi Toraman, assistant professor of energy and mineral engineering and chemical engineering at Penn State, is one of twelve early-career scientists named to Chemical & Engineering News’ (C&EN) 2023 “Talented 12” list that highlights early-career researchers in the chemical sciences who are fearlessly tackling difficult global problems. Toraman was selected for her research in technologies that turn waste into fuels, chemicals, and other products.
Sanjay Srinivasan
Credit: Penn State
Ever since America’s first commercial oil well began gushing in Pennsylvania in 1859, the state has profited from a robust energy industry. More recently, conservation and green-energy organizations have sprouted across the commonwealth’s three-quarters-rural landscape, pushing Pennsylvania to diversify into wind, solar, and other renewable resources. Whether drilling shale, promoting green alternatives, or keeping the power grids stable, the people on the 2023 Energy & Environment Power 100 list are all helping to write Pennsylvania’s sustainable next chapter.
Russell Johns, professor of petroleum and natural gas engineering at Penn State, was selected to receive the 2023 SPE/AIME Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal from the International Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) for technical leadership.
Credit: Penn State
Russell Johns, professor of petroleum and natural gas engineering, was selected to receive the 2023 SPE/AIME Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal from the International Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) for technical leadership. The medal is SPE’s highest international technical award. Johns received the award at the 2023 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition October 16-18, 2023, in San Antonio, Texas.
Behzad Vaziri Hassas received the 2023 Rong Yu Wan Ph.D. Dissertation Award in Metallurgical Engineering from the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. He was recognized for his dissertation, “Process development for selective separation of critical elements from secondary resources.”
Credit: Penn State
Behzad Vaziri Hassas received the 2023 Rong Yu Wan Ph.D. Dissertation Award in Metallurgical Engineering from the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. Hassas, who earned his doctorate in energy and mineral engineering from Penn State last year, was recognized for his dissertation, “Process development for selective separation of critical elements from secondary resources.”
Sarma Pisupati, professor of energy and mineral engineering, professor of chemical engineering, and director of the Center for Critical Minerals, was recently elected as a fellow of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers. The induction ceremony was held in Kolkata, India on December 27, 2023.
Old Main on Penn State’s University Park campus.
Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State
Eleven Penn State faculty, including Zuleima Karpyn, have received Fulbright Scholar Awards for the 2023-24 academic year, according to the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program. The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program is the U.S. government’s flagship international educational exchange program. Through the program, Penn State faculty members, staff, and administrators have opportunities to conduct advanced research, teach, or do both, and attend seminars abroad. The program also gives recipients the opportunity to interact with and impact their host communities during their Fulbright tenure.