Welcome to the Summer 2011 edition of the EMS Energy Institute (EI) Newsletter. This edition showcases faculty research in several topical areas, introduces new employees, and highlights research briefs and the honors received by our students, faculty, and staff.

Global Energy Challenges in the 21st Century
A decade into the 21st century, we can look back on the previous century as a time of explosive growth...

EMS Energy Institute Researchers Showcase Work in Washington
Energy researchers from the EMS Energy Institute took part in a day long series...

Research Briefs from Around the Institute
From exploring alternative energy sources to developing new technologies for the production, generation, and...

Institute Expands into Renovated Lab Space
As the quest for clean, reliable, and affordable energy gains momentum, the EMS Energy Institute continues...

Welcome New Faculty Affiliates
The EMS Energy Institute welcomes the following principal investigators and faculty associates who have joined the EMS Energy Institute for research...

Interdisciplinary Group to Study Issues Surrounding Rare Earth Elements
Rare earth elements (rare earths or REE) are a collection of 17 elements...

Lessons Outside the Classroom
On the last day of the semester Natalie Keener (’11 B.S. Energy Engineering) along with her teammates from a recent project stopped by the...

Penn State and Dalian Establish the International Joint Center for Energy Research
On April 12, Penn State and Dalian University of Technology (DUT)...

Group Studies Technology to Increase Output of Oil Reservoirs
Increasing the volume of oil recovered from oil reservoirs could be an important step in growing...

Impact of Institute Publications on the Rise
The EMS Energy Institute faculty and researchers take a strong...