A New Seminar Series Brings Energy Research Experts to the Institute

Bruce Rising
Bruce Rising

John R. Hellmann
John R. Hellman

Zuleima Karpyn
Zuleima Karpyn

James Freihaut
James Freihaut

The EMS Energy Institute has established a new seminar series, Energy Exchange, as part of the Institute’s outreach mission. The seminars focus on highly relevant energy topics, especially in the area of fossil fuels. Energy topics discussed include new innovations in carbon dioxide utilization, clean coal, petroleum and natural gas, fuel cells, and more.

For Spring 2013, the theme was clean energy and experts from academia and industry gave talks on a wide variety of topics. The talks, which are open to anyone, provide an in-depth look at current research endeavors as well as an opportunity for networking and the exchange of ideas. When possible, we offer students the opportunity to meet with external speakers in a small group setting.

The Energy Exchange seminars are co-sponsored by the Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment. For more information on future dates and speakers, visit the Energy Exchange section of our website, www.energy.psu.edu/calendar/energy-exchange-seminar-series. Feedback and speaker suggestions are always welcome at ei-communications@ems.psu.edu.


Spring 2013 Speakers

James Freihaut
DOE Mid-Atlantic Clean Energy Application Center

Bruce Rising
Strategic Business Manager,
Siemens Power Systems Sales

Zuleima Karpyn
Associate Professor,
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Hamid Sarv
Assistant Director,
Babcock & Wilcox Research Center

John R. Hellmann
Associate Dean, Graduate Education and Research,
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Robert Romanosky
Deputy Director,
DOE/NETL Office of Coal and Power R&D

Mark your calendar
Fall 2013 Dates

September 4
September 18
October 9
October 23
November 6
November 20
December 4

Issue Number: