Impact of Institute Publications on the Rise

The EMS Energy Institute faculty and researchers take a strong interest in presenting and publishing their work for the greater scientific community. Over the last thirteen years, there has been a significant jump in the number of publications resulting from Energy Institute research. Subsequently, the number of times these publications have been cited has steadily risen. The first publication that included the Energy Institute as an affiliation appeared in May 1997. In 2010, over 50 publications were affiliated with the Institute. Citations from these articles began to appear in 2000. Currently, Institute publications collectively receive over 1,300 citations a year. Since 1997, Energy Institute researchers have published over 350 articles that have been cited over 5,400 times. This drastic increase in publications corresponds with the continued rise in research taking place at the Institute as more faculty, researchers, and students come onboard. In addition, the high number of citations credited to Institute researchers’ publications demonstrates the high impact of this research in the scientific community as a whole. *  

Number of Journal articles by year

Number of citations in SCI+ by year

* Information for this article was obtained through ISI Web of Knowledge, Web of Science. The search terms were such that it included refereed publications by EMS Energy Institute faculty and researchers through 2010. Only publications that had the Energy Institute listed in the affiliation section are included.  

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